Friday, July 16, 2010

Seneca Park Zoo

Growing up, going to the Philly Zoo.. I always enjoyed it.. but there was something unsettling about a zoo in general.. Animals pacing behind bars.. I remember as a grown up.. walking through the St Louis zoo.. it was in a park in the middle of the city, and we would walk through often.. The bears were in this tiny enclosure.. it made me sick - literally...
The zoo here is no different I guess.... I try to make C understand that there is some importance to the zoo.. the preservation of a species.. the ability to study them closer..breeding etc..
So anyway, it was 100 degrees.. and the animals felt it too.... maybe it made for a more depressing situation... I'm sure the zoo here dosen't get the funding of a bigger city also..
The highlight - as it was last summer - the elephants.. a private doner(s) has given them a pretty amazing living situation... a beautiful indoor area, where we saw them get and love baths last year.. and a nice shady, huge outdoor area with ponds... etc...
Genessee and Lilac... the only zoo tenants who seemed happy... well, it was Africa-like weather too I guess.

I'm glad it's 5 miles away, and we can go for free...
C's favorite animal - - - - - wait for it - - - - - the piranha...
too bad we don't have an aquarium here.....

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