Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Rainbow cookie pops Bridal shower "wedding cakes" with a "K"
Sandy seashell cookie pops...
Easter sampler
Cookie pops for Easter baskets

Monday, March 28, 2011


In the middle of cutting his sister's cabinet door down to it's new size... W's router broke.. J helped to fix it...
"I will bammer it in.... just let me bammer it in W... really I can fix it..."... He then sang the Bob the Builder song over and over - til it was fixed.. "can we fix it?...yes we can!"... W deserves an award in patience sometimes..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dino J

Dino shirt...dino pants....dino stool - playing with new dino set.... we like dinosaurs.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Pied Piper

J is the Pied Piper of old ladies.... we are 4 for 4 now with trips to Wegmans - he has gotten a candy bar.. or cash! each time... A clutch of them follow me around the store and point and giggle. He plays it cool til the last minute - then he pours it on - works everytime.

Recent Cookies

Baby carriages -
Red Velevt cupcakes with mini basketball cookies
Rainbows for the new store SomeWEAR Over the Rainbow -

Basketballs and Shamrocks for the St Patricks Day United Way Bakesale -