Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dia de los Muertos

C and I read about dia de los muertos - the day of the dead.. and we thought of a good use for our old Halloween makeup.. We were a little late, it is celebrated on Nov 1 and 2nd.. maybe next year we'll have a party ...
J isn't one to sit out on the action - too squirmy for eye makeup...

C enjoyed it - he will be all ready for stage makeup in his future.. and he took this creepy picture of me..


Monday, November 15, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

" A good deal "...

Watching me right now.. not happy I moved her from her favorite spot on the computer chair.. but she must be happy - motorboat.. Church book sale.. we walked away with over 40 books and 5 movies... for $6..W felt so guilty he gave the ol church lady $10..haha

"take picture my new boots.."


Friday, November 5, 2010

Birthday dinner..

J with chopsticks - a dangerous combination ..
My dinner.. after a bunch of other appetizers etc.. too much food - but really good.. Spider Roll. There was a cool Koi pond next to our table.. but I was too busy making sure J didn't jump in to get a picture. Next time we are going sans kids and we will sit at the Hibachi table.. and drink Saki.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some cookies..

Ghosts, tombstones...and skeletons.. 25 Great Pumpkins for C's class...

Spider man......

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Costume run-through before we packed everything up and went to dinner... Dragon feet...

C as Anakin Skywalker....

Mommy...why is it snowing?

Dragon from behing...

Hillbilly teeth from Uncle D

Pumpkins by Aunt T

Boo cake for after trick or treating...

We had dinner first - the big boys won the football game 20 something to 0 so they are #2 in the region... Next week they play the #1 team. At 6:30 we got costumes on..with long underwear etc... and as we walked out the door it started to snow.....
The kids did good.. C had his buddy (W's nephew) so he was happy... J walked some and rode some.. we stayed in the litle village.. People are funny with candy.. they kept giving J crackers.. he wasn't pleased with that.. One really nice house - lady gave them glow necklaces, juice boxes..bags of candy... J didn't want to leave.. And they had a big sweet old dog outside.. I could have stayed there too.
I guess I wasn't feeling as good as I thought - the cold really got to me.. we got home around 9..C took a shower and they went right to bed. W and I watched a scary movie - that ended up being dumb.. and I couldn't get warm all night.. Today I just feel tired. It's cold and dreary again..
Dad - that book I was telling you about by Janet E is called Wicked Appetite.. the guy in it is Diesel - from some of the Stephanie Plum books. Our library has it already.. I put it on hold.